Serina Closed Gate
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Poem of the Month:

The Sadness of Joseph


Whenever life seduces me,

and comes to me with a smiling face,

and sways playfully, and displays her beauty,

and fastens the door and says:

'I'm ready!',


whenever life seduces me,

and tears off my shirt of tranquility,

and makes her move and my heart makes his,

and he forgets his sadness for an hour in doing that and this,


whenever life seduces me so that I may forget,

memories wake and sadness says:

'No more are you fit for someone like me,

and no more someone like me is fit for you!'

1 August 2019

Translated from the Arabic by the author

On the Carriage of Memory (2006)

Bill Purves (Writer): Those who enjoy poetry with rhythm and rhyme—mouldy old figs who enjoy Kipling and Robert W. Service—are these days often reduced to song lyrics and the couplets of rappers and unlikely to find anything there to their taste. How refreshing then to learn that Sayed Gouda has chosen to republish some of his Arabic poetry in English.

On On the Carriage of Memory

Selected poems

On the vehicle of memory

Translated from the Arabic by the author


You come to me in dreams

And look at me in silence

I look into your eyes

Searching for forgiveness

Nothing is there but blame

I cast my gaze down

At a straw mat

I become a child, shivering in fear

Nervously, shyly biting my finger

My hand clutching at my short gown

That was my sister's dress a year ago

You come to me in dreams!


I travel on the vehicle of memory

Not once do I see you slapping me

Not once do I see you cursing me

Not once do I see you beating me with a belt

As I see other fathers do

I see in your eyes

The simplicity of those

Who dream of their daily bread

And in the evening

Close their doors

And sleep

In peace

You come to me in dreams!

I see you on our balcony smoking a water-pipe

Listening to a mawwal*

About a peasant who lost his land

And how his sorrow extinguished his lamp

Tears fog your eyes

As though you hear fate in the mawwal

Have you felt the angel weaving the coffin

As darkness was enveloping the world?

You come to me in dreams!


I travel on the vehicle of memory

I see you sitting in the TV hall

A cup of tea tied to your right hand

You are following a soccer match

With passion and joy

You scream like a child if El-Khatib scores

With tricky touch

Did you really like soccer?

Or was it just a cover?

An excuse to have a conversation with me?

Something for us to talk about?

You come to me in dreams!


I see you, father, proud

Refusing to disclose your wounds

You sit in a corner

Like a broken-winged bird

That hugs its sufferings, its fate

And waits in patience

It looks at the world

With the eyes of a traveling monk

Hating to settle down

You come to me in dreams!

When shall I come to you?

When shall I come to you?


*Mawwal: A countryside hymn with no music, sometimes accompanied by flute only.

Other poems
Under the Wreckage One of the Boring Days Lost

In the Quiet of the Night (2005)

Closed Gate

Stuart Christie (Professor of Literature): In the end, Sayed Gouda's In the Quite of the Night is worthier than we are. His poetry has earned it, and it is only when one's poetry is rated so highly that the pestering critic says, as I do now, that I would like to learn Arabic to understand Gouda's heart and soul better. His poetry is among the best I have read in any year.

On In the Quiet of the Night

Selected poems

Penelope .. a Circle of Love

Translated by the author


She told me I would be the only one

Who would not return

For years I would lose my way home

In vain I would blow the wind for my sails

And I would come to him

A stranger on a shore of emptiness

He would collect the winds of all the corners in my bag

And blow the wind for my sails

I would fight the waves of devils

And sail on a wave of flame

To offer him a goat, our ransom

To return to our families

Waiting on a blazing shore of their longing.

Everyday, I dream that I return

And stretch my bow that beats the strong ones

I clean my yard from the mischief makers

And empty on her lips

The longing of my long nights

And pour in her ears

Some holy words.

She is Penelope

The soul's joy in salvation

And at completing the circles:

The circle of adoration when it turns into worship

The circle of eternity when the final ray departs

The circles of death

and the circle of resurrection

For her, the journey of the soul begins

For her, it ends.

She is Penelope

A destination for pride when pride bows down

Humble, like a lover to his beloved

A brook of milk

And branches of light and perfume

In whose shade, the nightingales sing.

She is Penelope

Like a prophet's intermediation

A reward to him

Who is lost in her love

Everyday I dream that I return

Even so that heaven tells me

That I will be the only outcast!




Other poems

The OLd House


The Jasmine Seller

The Thing

You Were Always There


My Great Grandfather

Night Train

Under the Cross of Spartacus


At the End of the Night

Just Like Before

Books in languages other than Arabic and English
غلاف ديوان "قارورة صمغ"


Books translated by Sayed Gouda 
غلاف ديوان "قارورة صمغ"

Comments 发表评论 Commentaires تعليقات

click here 按这里 cliquez ici اضغط هنا


هاني البحطيطي - مصر

Mon, 26 Nov 2007 02:20:35

Actually, i'm highly proud by your site which includes a varity of Arabic literature and civilization.Therefore, it gives me the privillege and honour to suggest a suggestion; Why don't you create a new branch for English Proverbs that aims to compare between both of the English and the Arabic civilizations and proves that lots of their wisdom and proverbs have been quoted and acquired from our Islamic and Arabic civilization, in addition that even their language includes more than 150,000 Arabic words however all their language is one million words but ours is 15 millions.i'm gonna give u an example : "Chairty begins at home",

يرجع هذا المثل الذي يدعو ان اصله انجليزي الي العصر الاسلامي من 1500 سنه: "الاقربون اولي بالمعروف" اماهم فقد نسبوا هذا المثل الي المصلح الديني الانجليزي طبعاجون ويكلف عام 1380 والدليل ان هذا النسب مغلوط اننابعام1429 هجري
هاني البحطيطي
2000 ماجستير ادب مقارن
ليسانس اداب انجليزى 1993


Janette Chan - Hong Kong

Sun, 13 Jan 2008 05:26:57

You see the life of Lost People. Especially in a small city like Hong Kong, we can only bury our soul and mind in the crowds. "How often I have crossed it among the crowd" and I wonder where can I find the lights out of the darkness. "it reminded me of a gone past of an
 unfinished story..."


محمد الحافظ - العراق

Sun, 30 Mar 2008 06:26:01

اصدق تحية واجمل سلام لكم...لقد أعجبني الموقع جدا..وذلك للرصانة والثراء في الموضوعات..حقا إنه موقع ثقافي يستحق كل الثناء
د.محمد الحافظ- العراق - جامعة الموصل


أسرار الجراح - الكويت

Wed, 2 Apr 2008 14:42:17

الأخ / سيد جودة

 بصدق المشاعر أحييك .. فالموقع راقي ويسعدني بل ويشرفني أن
 يضم صوتي لصوتك


dima and susana - Venezuela

Wed, May 28, 2008 3:54:16 AM

Dear Sayed
Hi.. greetings from South America, where your two friends Susana and Dima are talking about you. If your ear has been ringing, now you know why!
Hope you are well.


sayed gouda - Hong Kong

Thu, May 29, 2008 3:02:21 AM

Dear Dima,

The Nadwah is missing your witty comments, insightful questions, and your enthusiastic spirit. Your reading of Neruda in Spanish and English is still echoing in our ears.

My regards to Susana and Len.


dima - Venezuela

Saturday, February 28, 2009 1:24 AM

Dear Said
Thank you so much. I miss the Nadwah more than I ever thought. In fact it is one of the things I miss the most about Hong Kong. I wish we could do a Nadwah here in Caracas, but without a Sayed Gouda it is not viable! I hope you can visit us one day.  Keep up the good work.
Regards from Len


Dr. Ishraga.M. Hamid - النمسا

Saturday, February 28, 2009 4:19 AM

كل مانشر على هذه الصفحة من كتاباته

اشعار سيد جودة

جميل ماقرأته للشاعر سيد جودة
شفاف وعميق
ويدعو للتأمل


哈赛宁 博士 - 埃及Egypt

Saturday, June 20, 2009 5:14 AM



dr : hassanein fahmy


جريس دبيات - فلسطين

Wednesday, September 23, 2009 9:35 PM

عرض مشاركات شعرية

السيد سيد المحترم-سلامات حارة
اود ان اضع موقعي الشعري امامك .فان وجدت فيه ما يناسب موقعك فلك ان تنشره مشكورا.مع المودة


سيد جودة - هونج كونج

Wednesday, September 23, 2009 10:27 PM

الأستاذ المحترم الشاعر جريس دبيات

اطلعت على موقعك الجميل وها أنا أضع وصلة الموقع في تعليقك حتى يتسنى لزوار الندوة زيارته. ومرحباً بك شاعراً للندوة، ويمكنك إرسال ما تود من قصائد كملف منفصل أو عن طريق الإرسال السريع كتعليق.

خالص تحياتي

سيد جودة

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