Nadwah  for poetry in translation

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Poetry in Translation

Send in your submission, whether your translation of classical or modern poems, or your own writing to the magazine e-mail to be considered for publication. Please read the publication guidelines first before submission.

Poems Featured in Issue 7

About the Nadwah 2 Toni Morrison: Eve Remembering 29
Editorial Board 2 Janice Gould: Our House 30
Call for Submission 3 Questions About the Soul 31
Publishing Guidelines 3 Nemer Saady: Old Rain in a Woman’s Winter 32
Editor’s Foreword 4 Kit Fan: Last Night Wind Rose 34

Classics Corner

  Rain on a Spring Night 34
Qays ibn-Thurayh: Three Poems 5 Hiroshi Taniuchi: The Tree Never Fallen 35
Li Bai: Chang’gan Song 6-7 Oh Sae-young: Fruit 36
Abu Nuwas: Untitled 8 Lena Oh: Sounds of Daybreak in Lung Ha Wan 37
Mikołaj Sęp Szarzyński: Sonnet II 9 Maryam Gatawa: And Tell the Stars 38

Modern Poetry

  Shedding Old Skin 38
Emily Brontë: Remembrance 10 Jumoke Verissimo: It’s in the Eyes 39
Edgar Lee Masters: Three Poems 11 Questions 39
Rabindranath Tagore: Gitanjali II 12 Sheikha A.: Merkabah 40
Hermann Hesse: Height of Summer 13 George Veis: Clear Sky 42
Vasko Popa: In the Village of My Ancestors 14 Konstantinos Bouras: Poetic Ideology 43
Elia Abu Madi: The Foolish Fig Tree 15 The look and the eyes (funerary) 43

Contemporary Poetry

  Ahmed Elbeshlawy: The Symptoms of Love 44
Guest of Honour: Brian Patten 16-27 A Picture 45
Interview 16 Eleonora Rimolo: No Comments Appear, Now 45
After Breakfast 18

Literary Criticism

Geography Lesson 20 Sayed Gouda: Rhythm and Metre 46
A Blade of Grass 21


The Right Mask 22 Biographies 48
Come into the City, Maud 24

A Glimpse of Art

Friends, Revisited 26 Auguste Renoir: Young Woman Braiding Her Hair the back cover
Gwendolyn Brooks: Truth 28    

Poems Featured in Issue 6



About the Nadwah 2
Editorial Board 2
Publishing Guidelines 3
Editor’s Foreword 3
Call for Submission 3
 Classics Corner  
Abu Hamid al-Ghazali: Say Unto Brethren When They See Me Dead 6
Omar Ibn al-Farid: Pass Round the Remembrance of My Love 8
Adam Mickiewicz: The Ackerman Steppe 10
Mikhail Lermontov: The Triple Dream 11
Modern Poetry  
Rabindranath Tagore: Gitanjali I 12
P. L. Dunbar: Ships That Pass in the Night 13
The Debt 13
Hu Shi: Butterfly 14
On the Lake 14
Ku Sang: Eternity Today 15
Shu Xiangcheng: Ghosts 16
Truth 16
Samih al-Qassem: He Whispered Before He Took His Final Breath 17
My Rama 18
In Memory of the Palestinian Poet Samih al-Qassem by Nazih Kassis I, II 17-18
Contemporary Poetry  

Guest of Honour: Hatif Janabi - Interview

Portrait 25
Invitation 25
Language I’m Not in 26
So That the Butterfly Won't Die Inside Me 26
Sydney Lea: The Long and Short 30
Baron Wormser: My Wife Asks Me Why I Keep Photographs in a Drawer 31
Birgit Bunzel: The Breath of a Dove 32
Sharpshooting Memories 34
Lena Oh: The Fallen Fragrance 35
George Veis: Struggling for a Living 36
Stathis Gourgouris: Dream Times Three 37
Annamaria Ferramosca: A Pharaos’s Lament 38
Since Life is Racing on 40
Eleonora Rimolo: We See Them from Below 42
Kokken Yokoyama: Shooting Star 43
Sayed Gouda: The Distant Shore 44
Living, Breathing 44
Bereaved in Grief 45
Literary Criticism  
Sayed Gouda: A Moment of Rhythm 46
A Glimpse of Art  
Williem van de Velde the Younger: Ships in a Gale the back cover


Abu Hamid al-Ghazali - Iran

Translated from the Arabic by Martin Lings

Say unto brethren when they see me dead,
And weep for me, lamenting me in sadness:
‘Think ye I am this corpse ye are to bury?
I swear by God, this dead one is not I.
I in the Spirit am, and this my body
My dwelling was, my garment for a time.



Omar Ibn al-Farid - Egypt

Translated from the Arabic by Stefan Sperl

Pass round the remembrance of my love, even in reproach,

For tales about the loved are my wine!

Let me hearing witness whom I love, though she be far,

Through specters of reproach, not dreams!

Her remembrance delights me in every form

Even when my upbraiders mingle it with strife.



Mikhail Lermontov - Russia

Translated from the Russian by Vladimir Nabokov

I dreamt that with a bullet in my side
in a hot gorge of Daghestan I lay.
Deep was the wound and steaming, and the tide
of my life-blood ebbed drop by drop away.
Alone I lay amid a silent maze
of desert sand and bare cliffs rising steep,



Rabindranath Tagore - India 

Translated from the Bengali by the author



Thou hast made me endless, such is thy pleasure. This frail vessel thou emptiest again and again, and fillest it ever with fresh life.


This little flute of a reed thou hast carried over hills and dales, and hast breathed through it melodies eternally new.




Hu Shi - China

Translated from the Chinese by Sayed Gouda

A pair of  yellow butterflies together flew into the sky.
But one of them returned so suddenly, I don't know why.



One firefly flying over the water;
another one flying under the water.
On a parallel line,
and lightly,



Kung Sang - S. Korea

Translated from the Korean by Brother Anthony of
Taizé (An Sonjae)

Today again news came of a friend's death.
Well, we all have to go,
some sooner some later.
I hope my turn comes soon.
Is it fear of the pain before we die
that makes death so threatening?
Surely there is always euthanasia?



Shu Xiangcheng - Hong Kong

Translated from the Chinese by the author

They dream
A one-thousand-year
old dream
By the pale candle
In the gloomy corner.



Shu Xiangcheng - Hong Kong

Translated from the Chinese by the author

Is Flame.
Who can ever

Lock it up in a match box?



Samih al-Qassem - Palestine

Translated from the Arabic by Nazih Kassis

Don't honor me with a monument
and song!
Of all the sad songs,
I prefer my mother's sadness.
Don't pay me your last respects
with laurel and a royal display!



Samih al-Qassem - Palestine

Translated from the Arabic by Nazih Kassis

Your high name is the sky of the ABC
So, embrace the ages and hug eternity!
O, my Rama, you are an eternal tale,
That will be forever recited in pride and zeal!
You overstepped space with your wings
And broke into the disobedient locks!
Genius has turned into fading inspiration,



Hatif Janabi - Iraq

Translated from the Arabic by Kahtan Mandwee

My sleep interrupts that I couldn't abandon what awakening gave me of a hearing scratching me, an outlook imprisoning me inside one vision:
wicked roads, deceiving lights, martyred lovers in the name of love, news of the dead without a cause,



Hatif Janabi - Iraq

Translated from the Arabic by Kahtan Mandwee

I won't invite anyone, after now, to my house inhabited by ghosts.
My lock is rusty.
Whoever used to greet me is a pig.
My neighbors are rats.
I won't invite their daughter for fear of the jinn's king, sitting behind the door.



Hatif Janabi - Iraq

Translated from the Arabic by Kahtan Mandwee

I breathe words I know.
They loath me, spit in my face; I kick them.
They paint me a statue, a stone, a featherless sparrow, an infidel, an
exiled pirate, in deserted islands.
Voices of all colors and tongues talk of a past that I'm not aware of.



Hatif Janabi - Iraq

Translated from the Arabic by Kahtan Mandwee

I dig a hole in the oak of poetry and open the volcano's mouth
so that the grass crosses and the roses prickle.
I write so that the light, at the tunnel's end, won't die;
the bread loaf cheers the glory of the blood spilled around it;



Goerge Veis - Greece

Translated from the Greek by Yannis Goumas

Since he has fun
in these verses
and enjoys having a rest in the afternoon
the day before he sent them on his mobile phone
it was raining hard and he was chilled to the bone
now he reads them again and again



Stathis Gourgouris - Greece

Translated from the Greek by the author

I told her I did not
Oppose her return.
I longed for 0
Not for O-micron.
Still, she ran upstairs
And found old letters
Scattered on the bed.



Annamaria Ferramosca - Italy

Translation from the Italian by Anamaria Crowe
Serrano and Riccardo Duranti


Blessed was I
emptied yet replete
I would even intimate
the indulgent smile
of an exact god deposed
at the point of intersection



Annamaria Ferramosca - Italy

Translation from the Italian by Anamaria Crowe
Serrano and Riccardo Duranti


Soy hombre: duro poco
y es enorme la noche
Octavio Paz
Since life is racing on,
I choose a one-way journey
Because everything has happened
in a simple way


Eleonora Rimolo - Italy

Translated from the Italian by Alessandra Giorgioni

We see them from below,
they descend step
by step, expert travellers
of the changing season:
they threaten the silence of the room,



Kokken Yokoyama - Japan

Translated from the Japanese by Kaka Hotta

Just like tracing
Your mane
Your light is expanding
Such texts
For example
They became winds
They became songs
I love the impulses



For my late beloved brother, Mustafa

Sayed Gouda - Egypt

Translated from the Arabic by the author

I was supposed
to cross the river
to the distant shore
before you.
I put perfumes, candles,
a copy of the Quran
and a few sticks of basil
into my bag.
I prepared myself and said to sailing:
‘I’m ready!



Sayed Gouda - Egypt

Translated from the Arabic by the author

It’s not you who died;
the one who died was me.
These lines are not an elegy for you;
they are an elegy for me.
You’re in the Eternal Paradise living,
But I am dead,
though counted among the living, as
living, breathing.



Sayed Gouda - Egypt

Translated from the Arabic by the author

Don’t ruin my retreat!
Don’t steal away my grief!
Don’t feel surprised
by my misery!
For you is living life with all its summers and springs;
for me is leaving life with all its summers and springs.
Don’t take your handkerchief out for me to wipe away my tears--


Poems Featured in Issue 5  


Pushkin - Russia

Translated from Russian by Vladimir Nabokov


What is my name to you? `Twill die:
a wave that has but rolled to reach
with a Ione splash a distant beach;
or in the timbered night a cry...
`Twill leave a lifeless trace among
names on your tablets: the design
of an entangled gravestone line
in an unfathomable tongue.

More on page 5 (Issue 5)


Jan Kochanowski - Poland

Translated from Polish by Adam Czerniawski


My fair Orszula, where have you fled
Are you above the celestial spheres, numbered?
Among angelic hosts? Are you in Paradise?
Or are you taken to the Fortunate Isles?
Does Charon guide you over disconsolate lakes,
Offering draughts from the erasing stream,
So, you can’t know my tears?

More on page 6 (Issue 5)


Konstantin Miladinov - R. N. Macedonia

Translated from Macedonian by
Graham W. Reid

If I had an eagle's wings
I would rise and fly with them
To our own shores, to our own climes,
To see Stamboul, to see Kukuš,
And to watch the sunrise: is it

Dismal there, as it is here?

More on page 8 (Issue 5)


C. P. Cavafy- Greece
Translated from Greek by Sarah Thilykou

Both naked, they just came out from the sea of the Samian
coast; from the sport of swimming
(on a hot summer day).
They were delaying getting dressed, hating to cover
the beauty of their sculpted nudity,
harmoniously complementing the loveliness of their faces.

More on page 10 (Issue 5)



Liu Bannong - China

Translated from Chinese by Sayed Gouda

Some light clouds float up in the sky,
and a light breeze wafts over the land.
The light breeze blows through my hair,
how could I not miss her?
The moonlight is in love with the ocean,
and the ocean is in love with the

More on page 12 (Issue 5)


Liu Bannong - China

Translated from Chinese by Sayed Gouda

A storm thundered in the middle of the
and awoke me from my dreams, startled.
I remembered my small yard
where a cassia blooms—
blooms with golden flowers.
I remembered it with bitterness.
Eventually, after tossing and turning,
thinking of it,
I still didn’t know what to do for it.

More on page 13 (Issue 5)


Khalil Hawi - Lebanon

Translated from Arabic by Sayed Gouda

Bitter is his first night
and bitter is his first day
in a strange land.
Bitter were his boring nights.
How often he bit on his hunger,

More on page 14 (Issue 5)


Khalil Hawi - Lebanon

Translated from Arabic by Sayed Gouda

We were a wall against a wall.
How painful talking was!
How painful silence was!
Full of misfortune.
How painful the neighbourhood was!

More on page 14 (Issue 5)


Kim Chun Su - S. Korea

Translated from Korean by Lena Oh


Until I spoke his name,
he was nothing more than a mere gesture.
When I spoke his name,
he came to me and then became a flower.
Just as I spoke his name,
will someone speak my name now,

More on page 15 (Issue 5)


Jorge Palma - Uruguay

Translated from Spanish by Peter Boyle

I want to believe that men
don't die far from their motherland.
That the childhood skies,
those eyes, the afternoons
that you and I breathed,
the railings around the lit up
courtyards where I would kiss you

More on page 27 (Issue 5)


Stathis Gourgouris - Greece

Translated from Greek by the author

Shadows and openings
of bodies in the shade
of a window you seek,
a piece of life
perhaps to grasp
if life ever really
let you.
Yet, instead of letting
bits and pieces open to chance,
might it not be better to grant
your shadows a bit of grace

More on page 24 (Issue 5)


Stathis Gourgouris - Greece

Translated from Greek by the author

Only a saint would wake
In a shawl of tears
Or possibly a child
Betrayed by the coldness
Of an unbearable dream
To face the mystery
Of yet another life’s morning
For waking means
Either bliss or terror
Depending on the reality
Of dreams
Or whether dreams fail
To bear real pain
Or pleasure of discovering

More on page 25 (Issue 5)


Mariela Cordero - Venezula

Translated from Spanish by the author

He is full of my confession
he feels the face of the unknown
he plays with the atoms of my Eden
he shouts to the crowd that name
but no one can decipher his scream.
The sun of this story without telling
Expands me.

More on page 27 (Issue 5)


Mariela Cordero - Venezula

Translated from Spanish by the author

You were in the middle of the downpour
a taste of the climate
a landscape to succumb to.
You were multiplied in every drop
like an invading fable.
You were like thunder
in the scar of my night.

More on page 27 (Issue 5)


Eleonora Rimolo - Italy

Translated from Italian by Alessandra Giorgioni

The morning after
shards of bone and shreds
of epidermis were mingled
with iron:
the sun melted feeling
of pain passed
selfishness crossed
the platform, gliding,
the black angel lifted his
foot, climbed over
the slimy heights,

More on page 30 (Issue 5)


Salah Elewa - Egypt

Translated from Arabic by the author

You keep wandering in empty seasons,
Where strangers feed their songs to fire for
Mostly in tales where ancient tunes roam
in ancient winters.
Night after night ports keep aspiring to
The tinkles of the poor man 's cup reach
the end of the alley
All dew’s words vanish when the sky goes
to sleep

More on page 31 (Issue 5)


Yusuke Nakashima - Japan

Translated from Japanese by the author


Staring at the star of Bethlehem, she's a
starving stargazer!

Please keep me keen to kiss a knight of
knowledge in a Kafkaesque Kaleidoscope.

More on page 32 (Issue 5)


Poems Featured in Previous Issues


Autumn Day 

Rainer Maria Rilke - Austria

Translated from German by Birgit Bunzel


Lord: it is time. This summer was immense.

Unfold your shadow across the solar clocks,

and across the meadows, unleash the winds.


Command the last of fruits to fill to shine,

give them another two more southernly days.

Compel them toward completion and then chase

the final sweetness into heavy wine.  

More on page 5 (Issue 4)

In Paradise

Vladimir Nabokov - Russia

Translated from Russian by Vladimir Nabokov


My soul, beyond distant death

your image I see like this:

a provincial naturalist,

an eccentric lost in paradise.


There, in a glade, a wild angel slumbers,

a semi-pavonian creature.

Poke at it curiously

with your green umbrella,

More on pages 6-7 (Issue 4)

An Autumn Night On the River

Liu Dabai – China

Translated from Chinese by Sayed Gouda


The birds that return to their nests,

though exhausted,

always return toward the setting sun.

Their wings flap,

and drop the setting sun into the river;

the white-headed reed

turns into crimson red, too.

More on pages 8-9 (Issue 4)

Mail Kiss

Liu Dabai – China

Translated from Chinese by Sayed Gouda


Not that I cannot tear it with my fingers,

not that I cannot cut it with scissors,

but slowly,


and carefully I open the the lips of that purple


I know that inside the letter’s lips

hides her secret kiss.

More on pages 8-9 (Issue 4)


Nazik Al-Malaeka – Iraq

Translated from Arabic by Sayed Gouda


Blow out the candle and leave us here, strangers.

We are two parts of the night. What is the meaning of the light?

Light falls on two mirages in the evening’s eyelid.

Light falls on some flinders of hope.

They are called ‘us’ and I call them

‘boredom’. Here, we’re like light:


More on pages 10-11 (Issue 4)


No Touch

Marjan Strojan - Slovania

Translated from Slovanian by the author


I’m fed up with farewells. All those little

deaths time and time again: when you try

to touch them, they recoil like a small animal

that does not know you.

 More on pages 12-13 (Issue 4)

Elder in a Garden

Marjan Strojan - Slovania

Translated from Slovanian by the author


Truly, my heart stops whenever I see the garden again

and the elder flowering into the timeless night,

and the path which I knew runs across

the common but did not know

where it ends.

Beside the path grew coltsfoot, nettles, and cherries

washed by dew or by rain. If I looked I might

 More on pages 12-13 (Issue 4)

Evening Sun

Milovan Stefanovski - Republic of North Macedonia

Translated from Macedonian by the author

Do not look

at the evening sun

with its final beam

it can close your eyes

it can blind you

on its way down it can take you


 More on page 14 (Issue 4)

Ten Haikus

Kika Hotta - Japan

Translated from Japanese by the author


The desert is pregnant

her dunes

softly curved



I lie on sand

feeling its warmth –

the Earth rotates

 More on pages 16-17 (Issue 4)


Sarah Thilykou - Greece

Translated from Greek by YiorgosChouliaras



Open the window


It's the island



No man is an island,

they say, but

 More on pages 18:20 (Issue 4)

I am  Coming to You

Mend-Oyoo Gombojav - Mongolia

Translated  from Mongolian by  N. Enhkbayar


Traveling through time, in company with the sun, the moon,

Along the bumpy and winding roads left by old wise men,

Climbing up and down the high mountains and the hills,

Fording hundreds of rivers,

Although I do not know when we may meet,

 More on pages 21:23 (Issue 4)


Luca Benassi - Italy

Translated from Italian by the author


Salmon are to be waylaid

at the bottleneck of the river mouth,

when they are scared, cramming the water;

you have to let the net down where

the surface ripples with fins,

gills fumbling the desire

 More on page 24 (Issue 4)

Outside the Walls

Catherine Peteinari - Greece

Translated from Greek by YiorgosChouliaras


Propylaea – the definition of beauty

the appearance of the barrier inside and outside me


I create –

I resist against something

the air that envelopes my guts

retrieving memories and names

outside the limits of the wall

 More on pages 26-27 (Issue 4)

A Gazal

Rajesh Vyas – 'Miskeen'

Translated from Gujarati by Dileep Jhaveri


If you have just nothing, forsake it, and come over

If you have everything, renounce it and reveal


Where the rooms are illuminated by your name

I am that house, even if you do not come

More on pages 16-17 (Issue 3)

Dream of Memory

Alexey Filimonov - Russia

Translated from Russian by Molly Zuckerman and Madeline Tingle


At times nature smells of blood,

of dew and of this War’s death,

and dreams of unsolved pain   

grow through trees,

 More on page 14 (Issue 2)

Archived Poems on Nadwah Website


Catalan Poetry


Yolanda Castaño - Spain

The English translation is done by the author

I Passed By Here So Many Times, and Never Saw You Before


We are making a detailed inventory,

like the herbarium of an unforeseeable constellation.

First are the lilies, adornment of splattered stars;

the dahlias and the chrysanthemums;



Chinese Poetry


Yan Li - China

Translated from Chinese by Denis Mair - USA

Marvelous Encounter

(for World Poetry Day)


 At spring’s first blush we walk in the riverside park

 Because my forebears long ago discovered

 Language is best for reciting when

It first droops from the wands of willows



Selected Poems by Yu Nu - China

Translated from Chinese by Eleanor Goodman(顾爱玲 译)




At twelve, a friend and I

exchanged our animals. He produced

a gray bird, I produced a lizard. They parted bearing

the temperatures of two people.



Indian Poetry


Dreaming in Another Land

Rati Saxena - India

Translated by Seth Michelson - USA

My Sheet


That morning when I woke, I saw

a small hole in my sheet,

the result of being lost in sleep.

So I struggled with silken thread throughout the day

and by night had stitched a window

for glimpsing a few, new dreams.



Macedonian Poetry


Anthem of the Memory

Jovica Tasevski Eternijan - Macedonia


The space that expands

and contracts, the face

that is built

and knocked down,

the time that darkens


- the ether, protection,

Direct -



Kosovo Poetry


Thus spoke Tamara

Fahredin Shehu - Kosovo


I have polished the eyes of suffered child

Removing steamy layers of his vision

To see a sparkling teeth while I smile

And my soul’s dormant and well hidden planet of hate


I have washed the stratosphere of disasters

Their parents layered meticulously in his being

With tears with love impregnated

I have peeled all membranes of polluted spirit




أمل دنقل - مصرThe Coming Testament

Amal Donkul - Egypt


Chapter I


In the beginning I was man, woman and tree

I was father, son and holy ghost

I was morning, evening and the circular fixed gaze

My throne was stones on the banks of river

Sheep grazed

Bees buzzed around blossoms

Geese floated in silence lake

And life throbbed like a distant mill

When I saw:

That all I see can't save the heart from boredom

(Cockfights were my one entertainment

In my lonely seat among entangled branches)



Abdul Wahab Al-Bayati

About Waddah of Yemen - Love and Death

Abdul Wahab Al-Bayyaty

Translate from Arabic by Bassam k. Frangieh



From the cities of magic and the caves: Waddah arises,
Crowned by the moon of death and the fire of a shooting star,
Falling into the desert,
Carried like an orange nightingale
By the ogress with the caravans
To Syria.
A red feather
Is blown into the air by a magician
He wrote a charm on it
For the ladies of the cities of the wind
The words of the stones falling in the wells,
The dances of fire
Are blown into the chamber of the caliph
Becoming sometimes a poem,
Sometimes a virgin pearl



Mahmoud Darwish - PalestineThe Dice Player


Mahmoud Darwish - Palestine

Translated from Arabicby Sayed Gouda - Egypt / Hong Kong


Who am I to say to you

What I say to you?

I’m not a stone

Polished by water

To become a face

Nor am I a stick of cane

With holes made by the wind

To become a flute ….

I’m a dice player

I win sometimes

I lose sometimes

I’m like you

Or a little bit less than you

I was born beside the well

Falling at the feet of Waddah



Jasmine Seller

Sayed Gouda - Egypt

Translated from Arabic by the Author


i am a jasmine seller

i get up in the morning with the birds

my eyes hug daylight

my heart sips the scent of life

i see a line of ants on the ground

i throw a cube of sugar to them



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