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Jovica Tasevski Eternijan- Macedonia
Anthem of the Memory
The space that expands and contracts, the face that is built and knocked down, the time that darkens
- the ether, protection, Direct -
Trembling hand of the order: Under the fury of the ascension-eternity Fear sprouts In the ashes over the lines In the ashes that piles up
Towards the translucency it aims!
The words get thicker, Behind the pupils Prayerful space is being created, The disappearance rarefies – the shabbiness, A reddish leaf does not hold a shadow Whole rock swings Pours down And over the rainbow and over the nightmare In the tiny place Everything noons: The points slide, Thread into the One
She vigils
The forgetfulness secretly Greedy stares at her
The time with rough eyes Haven’t touched Not even the ugly womb Will sweeten With those clear stalactites The stamp of God that they hide In the translucent fence
People have stretched the nets Into the dark With their left eye From the unreachable old ages they have seen them They are the seed for the shabby layers Of history With their right eye they reach Now and there The eternal shell of the confusion Is what loses the strength
In an endless point To gather Everything!
The time erodes Moment by moment it rusts Along the North waters it leads Black Rock threads.
The word transformed into sand:
Not because the anger chases me -Struggle swarms- White shores are waste Even the lightest fruits Are a burden!
If I don’t run along the Peak I discover the darkness Forgive the sin -I was pouring out hot blood.
The Guilt is The Third Calmness…
Fasting. Curse
A man with a golden star Thrown in time- A fast of gentleness:
It piles up on the face A grey abyss With a dark cavity In a dagger That threads Through the rush of the blood.
They don’t stop - Not the time, nor the fasting Greedy for bearing Bitterness.
In the man with a darkened star Ripens a heavy curse!
The sky thickens.
The heavenly darkness Burrows in us. Gloomy Eye Drinks our peace.
The sky thickens.
Heavenly passions Pierce us greedily. On the soul falls In us shall be born.
The sky thickens.
The heavenly whirls Pile up in us. Dark discords Irresistibly grow.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Thick swarm Of a macabre disturbance Eroded. Peace – Until the next heavenly feast.
Jovica Tasevski - Eternijan (b. 1976, Skopje) is a distinguished Macedonian poet, essayist and literary critic. He has published six poetry collections and two books of criticism and essays. Also, he has edited two anthologies of Macedonian poetry. His poetry has appeared in many literary magazines, it is represented in a number of anthologies and has been translated into several languages. He is a member of the Editorial Board of one of the oldest living printed Macedonian literary magazines Stremezh and a consultant for Macedonian poetry in The Other Voices International Project, an anthology of world poetry endorsed by UNESCO. He won The Enchanting Poet Award for excellent contribution in poetry writing, given by The Enchanting Verses Literary Review.