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Gillian Bickley - UK

For The Record

Gillian Bickley - UK


On a showing of slides of images of old Hong Kong kept in the Hong Kong Public Records Office, then newly established.


We sit in a darkened room,

gazing at the bright screen, where

images of old Hong Kong appear.

An eerie silence drains the scenes:

Few people; little life that moves.

Only buildings, low, with colonnades; huge trees;

the Peak, now lush and verdant, bare like a moonscape.

It is cosy in the room, manageable, known;

Getting the history books in order

Before new possessors come.

People came and went about their business,

crossing the lenses of old cameras;

but they─intent on things that stayed

more permanently─

ignored them, made no record.

Will the Chinese cameras,

moving in terms of centuries, not hours,

notice us

at all?




From Gillian Bickley, For the Record and other Poems of Hong Kong, Proverse Hong Kong, 2003, distributed in Hong Kong and worldwide by: The Chinese University Press, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shatin, Hong Kong; Tel: (INT+852) 2609-6508; Fax: (INT+852) 2603-7355;; web:; distributed in the United Kingdom and worldwide except Hong Kong by: Christine Penney, 28 West Street, Stratford-upon-Avon, Warwickshire, CV37 6DN, UK; email:


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