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Gillian Bickley - UK

Visiting the Funeral Parlour

Gillian Bickley - UK


Small and still,

you lay there;

your thoughts removed

to another plane;

beyond me,

beyond us all,

hieratic. . . .

Our concerns

not your concerns

any more. . . .

Our lives

of no interest

to you

any more.

The immensity

of your absence

and your presence

is a lesson

in respect.


31 March 2004


From Gillian Bickley, Moving House and other Poems From Hong Kong, Proverse Hong Kong, 2005, distributed in Hong Kong and worldwide by: The Chinese University Press, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shatin, Hong Kong; Tel: (INT+852) 2609-6508; Fax: (INT+852) 2603-7355;; web:; distributed in the United Kingdom and worldwide except Hong Kong by: A&NESFHS, 158-164 King Street, Aberdeen, AB24 5BD, Scotland, UK. Tel: INT+[0]+1224-646323; Fax: INT+[0]+1224-639096; email:


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