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Gillian Bickley - UK

Almond Petals

Gillian Bickley - UK


Driving down the road

away from you . . .

Almond petals weep.

But the white plum trees still

raise slight arms to the sky,

never doubting their late flowers

will bear fruit.


Saturday, 29 March 2003


From Gillian Bickley, Moving House and other Poems From Hong Kong, Proverse Hong Kong, 2005, distributed in Hong Kong and worldwide by: The Chinese University Press, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shatin, Hong Kong; Tel: (INT+852) 2609-6508; Fax: (INT+852) 2603-7355;; web:; distributed in the United Kingdom and worldwide except Hong Kong by: A&NESFHS, 158-164 King Street, Aberdeen, AB24 5BD, Scotland, UK. Tel: INT+[0]+1224-646323; Fax: INT+[0]+1224-639096; email:




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