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من رمية المعركة
سونيت موندال - الهند
ترجمة: سيد جودة - مصر / هونج كونج
جالسان ظهرًا إلى ظهر عالمانِ يلتقيانِ عند الخط الفاصل لمصب نهرٍ في محيط السماوات.
التفكير، كعادة كسولةٍ، يفشل في تقرير مسار المياه الجاهزة للتدفق مثل عدَّائين في انتظار طلقة البداية.
دخانٌ في السماء الغربية يسدُّ الرؤية التي ترجع مثل جنودٍ جرحى من معركة دائرة.
قطراتُ مطر مطليَّةٌ بالنيكل في أرضٍ متورمةٍ تقفز للحياة وتسقط على ظلالٍ في الظلمة النصف متآكلة التي ما زالت تصارعُ أشعة خافتة.
Sonnet Mondal - India
From the Bow of Battle
Sitting with backs to each other two worlds converge in the borderline of an estuary with the ocean of skies.
Thinking as a lazy habit fails to decide the course of waters ready to flow like sprinters waiting for gun fire.
A haze in the western sky blocks vision which returns like wounded soldiers from an ongoing battle.
From the swelling land nickel plated rain drops jump to life and fall to shadows in the half eaten darkness still fighting with watered-down rays.
Sonnet Mondal is an award winning poet and the founder of The Enchanting Verses Literary Review. He has authored eight collections of poetry and was bestowed Poet Laureate from Bombadil Publishing, Sweden in 2009. He was inducted in the prestigious Significant Achievements Plaque at the museum of Bengal Engineering and Science University, Shibpur in 2011, awarded The Ascacra International Poetry award in 2011, nominated for Pushcart Prize in 2011 and was featured as one of the Famous Five of Bengali youths by India Today magazine in 2010. He has also been featured as An Achiever 2010 in The Herald of India, in Eview Points of Rockfordkingsley, U.S.A., in the 'Tea with George' March feature of Desperanto Publications Ltd., 2012 and Writer of The Month June 2012 at The Spark Magazine. His works have appeared in several international literary publications including The Stremez (Supported by The Ministry of Culture, Macedonia), The Sheepshead Review (University of Wisconsin, Green Bay), The Penguin Review (Youngstown State University), Two Thirds North (Stockholm University), California State Poetry Quarterly (California State Poetry Society), Nth Position, The Journal (Poetry Society of India) , Holler (Princeton Poetry Project) and Friction Magazine (New Castle University & New Castle Centre of Literary Arts) to name a few. Sonnet is the pioneer of the 21 line Fusion Sonnet form of Poetry. His works have translated in Macedonian, Italian, Albanian, Urdu, Arabic, Hindi, Telugu and Bengali. At present he is the Editor of Best Poems Encyclopedia- Indian division, Poetry Editor of The Abandoned Towers Magazine, Guest Editor at Virgogray Press, US.A. and the honorary Sub Secretary General of Poetas Del Mundo, Chile. Most recently, he has been enlisted as a National Record Holder as “The First Indian to write a new type of Sonnet Poetry” at the Indian Book of Records. Details of his works can be found at www.sonnetmondal.com
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