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尤兰达.卡斯塔诺 - 西班牙
见过你。 *玉兰Magnolia 和蒙古Mongolia 音相近,故有这奇怪的联想。(译注) Chinese translation by Ming Di
瘦小的我 在我成长之前
渴望 一种
Chinese translation by Ming Di
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I. 不可能的曲线疤痕留在高速公路上, 忽隐忽现最终直接背离边界线。
我这秒杀美女会是什么样子 砸在挡风玻璃上鲜血淋漓, 我的乳房真实状况会是什么样子 它们永远不会 再一次 落下?
此地与空无之间一个毫无价值的运动。 一时的不留神,一个愚蠢的机会裂缝 我骨头的 玫瑰红重量 抵制鸿沟。
一只冷蝴蝶从路上穿过, 我眼睛被它的飞跃擒住, 我很幸运。
一二,一二,一 二。
如果此时此刻 最小的不幸穿越我的车道 我的年轻运气立刻炸毁, 没有人会看到什么 阴影或可疑 闪闪发光的美丽 在路边我的尸体中。
到了晚上,高速公路像一个电子游戏。 最乏味的黑暗并不让我困惑。
仿佛一个间歇 我的青春,一条可卡因线,有时 弯曲。
我加快速度 同生命离开这首诗一样快。
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世界是一个没有前台的宾馆。 能说会道的天赋不是人人共有的东西。
面包和鱼也不是那样分配的。 肉运到右边的船舷,鱼骨头送给左边的码头。
你会失去你的头,雨会下帽子给你, 富人将会有钱,穷人将会有孩子。
我知道一块面包,我会把它切成块, 微乎其微的小块,足够留下多余的, 如果面包屑也可以填一张口, 如果它能够满足人甚至可以解开一个舌头。
如同泰坦尼号上救生艇的荣耀, 梳子之林为那些 秃顶的。
“罗马或全世界”的修辞法:即不是这里也不是预期。 胡须缝起来给那些缺下巴的。
有些嘴被授予三秒钟记忆。 神会把面包 给牙齿更少的。
Chinese translation by Ming Di
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我永远不会忘记布达佩斯的那家商店, 我最热爱的
避难所 Chinese translation by Ming Di
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风景尽头,雨 用一滴墨点模糊云。 行吟诗人这页军事路线。
我想出发,车是士兵。 听见吗?感应的轿厢吹起口哨。 地区公路像 五线谱本。 我喜欢割犁山脉,把一首诗背在肩上 像旅行者一样。 我的车是一枚炮弹,镀上 韵律而非火药,我对它说:“出发!”。 我们一起穿过山谷,政府区, 高耸的风力设备 让我想和巨人大战。 我的车与我不说什么也能互相理解。
布洛芬的白花 我的车是士兵 我对它说:“我们来朗诵诗歌 给蒙福尔特·德·莱莫斯*!” 而它 用发动机搭配我的音域, 敲敲打打, 叮叮当当, 尽管它有 格律恐惧症。
译注: *蒙福尔特·德·莱莫斯,西班牙西北角加利西亚自治区卢戈省附近城市。
Chinese translation by Tian-ai
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Yolanda Castaño (Santiago de Compostela, Spain, 1977).
BA in Spanish Language and Literature and with Media Studies, apart from being a poet, editor and an very active culture manager, Yolanda Castaño has been a columnist and has worked in Galician TV during many years (Galician Audiovisual Academy Award as ‘Best TV Communicator 2005’). She has published 6 poetry books in Galician and Spanish (“Depth of Field”and “The second tongue” are her last titles), several chapbooks and a pair of compilations. She has won poetry awards amongst which the National Critics Award, the Espiral Maior Poetry Award, the Fundación Novacaixagalicia, the Ojo Crítico (best poetry book by a young author in Spain) and the Author of the Year Galician Booksellers’ Award stand out. She is a relevant cultural activist, regularly organizing monthly poetry reading series, festivals, literary and translation workshops, all of them hosting local to international poets (Galician Critics’ Award Best Cultural Manifestation 2014). She was the General Secretary of the Galician Language Writers Association and she has made her contribution to many written media, books, anthologies, conferences and many readings or multimedia poetry performances inside and outside Galicia, including many international poetry festivals and meetings, mostly around all Europe and America but also in Tunisia, China and Japan. She has coordinated collective books, art and poetry exhibitions, she has published works as an editor, as well as five poetry books for children and four of translations (from contemporary authors like Nikola Madzirov or Marko Pogačar, among others, into Spanish and Galician). She has been involved in many different experiences of blending poetry with music, performance, dance, architecture, visual and audiovisual arts, and even cookery, being awarded for that too. Some of her poems have been published translated into twenty languages. She held three international fellowships as a writer-in-residence, at the IWTCR in Rhodes (Greece) and in Villa Waldberta (Munich - Germany) in 2011, and at the HIP-Beijing (China) in 2014.