ف |
شعر مترجم |
دعوة عامة من حزب التحرير في بريطانيا ندوة - هونج كونج
الأخوة والأخوات ندعوكم لتظاهرة احتجاجية ضد موقف الأنظمة العربية وأخواتها الحاكمة في العالم الإسلامي لتخاذلهم عن نصرة غزة ودفع العدوان الهمجي الصهيوني عنها.
الزمان الأحد الساعة الواحدة والنصف يوم الأحد 4 يناير 2009 والتفاصيل مبينة أدناه:
London Demonstration: Protest
against Israeli Terrorism! Call on
Arab Armies to Defend People of
Gaza! Nadwah - Hong Kong London UK, 2nd January 2009 – On Sunday 4th January 2009 a National Demonstration and March will gather Hundreds of Muslims in Central London to expose the betrayal of the Arab-Muslim regimes who have colluded with Israel in the massacre of people in Gaza. The demonstration will demand that Arab armies move to liberate the people of Gaza from the Israeli entity’s ongoing massacre of nearly 300 men, women and children.
Taji Mustafa,
media representative of Hizb
Britain said,
more and more evidence emerges of
collusion between Israel the Egypt's
dictator Hosni Mubarak, senior
Syrian officials and Saudi's King
Abdullah their betrayal needs to be
exposed, and more pressure needs to
be brought to send Muslim armies in
to defend and liberate the people of